Generate Monthly Passive Income From Real Estate
Invest In the Headway Income Fund
Earn Up To 8%
Preferred Return
90 Days
Liquidity Option
Minimum Investment

Generate Monthly Passive Income From Real Estate
Invest In The Headway Income Fund
Earn Up To 8%
Preferred Return
90 Days
Liquidity Option
Minimum Investment
High-Yield Short
Term Investments
For You
High-Yield Short
Term Investments
For You
Learn How You Can Invest In The Fund:


How The Income Fund Works

How The Income Fund Works

Who can benefit from this Income fund?
Real estate
High networth
Couple Whose Combine Income Is $300k
Real Estate Income
Over 400+ Active Accredited Investors
General Investor FAQ'S
We hold first-position liens with immediate rights to foreclose. Once foreclosed our team will either wholesale it to a well-known rehabber or we have the option to rehab the property ourselves and put it up for sale to get the property off our books.
The liquidity option allows you to request your investment out of the fund with no penalty. When you submit your request, it can be for your entire amount or just a portion of it. Your requested amount will be returned to you within *90 days or sooner. *some exclusions apply – see PPM for details.
Yes, this provides lower risk than lending private money on individual assets. Using a fund for this type of setup is essential to reduce risk since your investment is diversified across all loans immediately when you invest in the fund.
Once you sign your subscription documents, you will wire your funds to our company escrow account. Your funds will sit in this escrow account until it is placed into a loan. It can take up to 4-6 weeks to place your capital into the fund before you start earning interest.
For investments of $100,000 or more get 8% Preferred Return
Earn upto 10% for larger investment amount
The Headway Income Fund Helps You
Generate Passive Income & Expedite Your Retirement Plans
Headway team
Headway is designed to build and protect the wealth of busy professionals. Our goal remains to provide investments that will give you the freedom to do what matters most. Our team has extensive experience sourcing, vetting, and investing in alternative investments through multiple market cycles.
We are problem solvers who see opportunities in challenging markets and complex projects. Our distinct advantage is to provide investments outside of Wall Street to deliver capital preservation, tax benefits, and passive income.